Five Master Edits With Sound
Contrast: In the edit of contrast my partner and I decided to used a typing sound to further enhance the feeling of being studious. Instead of using the original sound we thought that by using synchronous sound in order to match the action happening more efficiently. In comparison to the studious scene, in the vending machine edit we decided to mute the sound in order to give the feeling of being carefree and unbothered.
Parallelism: Also using synchronous sound we had to match the action of walking. We recorded ourselves walking in our cowboy boots, which we wore for spirit day, and walked down the hallway. Surprisingly, this is more difficult than it sounds since we had to walk at the same pace from which we originally filmed.
Symbolism: In this edit we used the direct sound from the original film. We didn't bother to add sound just because we didn't want to take away from the actual imaging happening. By not adding any special sound we make the viewers pay more attention to the visual aspect of this edit rather than the auditory part of this scene.
Simultaneity: By using the non-diegetic sound of crickets to represent the scene of inside the window store we give the feeling of quite stillness. However, we show the outside being loud and noisy by also using non-diegetic.
Leitmotif: in this scene we relied on sound in order to portray what was happening. By using the ticking clock we symbolized the stress i faced trying to finish the assignment i was doing in this scene. When the scene switched back and forth to me sleeping it was meant to demonstrate how i wished i was sleeping and not caring instead of stressing over finishing. The scene flashes from my wishes to what was actually happening. We got the sound from YouTube making this an example of no-diegetic sound and post synchronization dubbing.
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